Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Words & Love

Are words empty? What gives words their meaning? Is it the believability of people or do words simply mean what we interpret them to mean? If words mean different things to different people how do you know when you can trust what someone says...

If the words "I love you" can be broken with the explanation that "it didn't happen" what is the power of love? Was it a miss usage of the words or was it a sincere longing?

In both cases, how can perceived love lead to something so painful? I don't understand? How can I learn to trust again, how can I believe? Maybe its a decision, maybe its waiting for the right person... maybe its a must... but how do you master the fear it combines?

Thursday, May 17, 2007


Silence meets when opening the door in the morning on the countryside, or at least the city silence. If you quiet down and listen there are many birds that make their presence known.

A short moment with serenity, a moment of peace, a cup of tea, before the day begins.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007


It always amazes me to come back to childhood places. To gaze towards the lake and think of the times spent swimming from the rocks. Looking out over the fields where we used to run barefoot and step in cow muck. To remember my first fishing trip, my days of laughter and fun with friends at the neighboring lake. To see the old schoolyard, knowing that the same teachers still work there. Same football field, same gym. Going in to town, that each spring comes alive, spending time talking to an old history teacher, realizing that people have died this last year. I love my life which contains lots of change, but isn't it wonderful how comforting it can be with familiarity for just a short period of time. Then I'm back in the game.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007


Only 1 piece per person - load lady yells prior to security... hehe... I don''t envy them, saying the same thing to a few thousand each day. Most of the airport staff where in a misserable mood, so I tried to focus on smiling and being polite, thinking, "I may make someones day!"

Amazingly you get shocked responses from staff if your nice and polite, almost as if they're expecting a rude person.

So far today, I think I've conjured a few smiles anyway... always something... hey?


As wonderful as it is, it is a bit dreary... Long hauls, small spaces, hard to sleep, guess though if you look at the positive side of everything you get once arriving at your destination, its all worth it :)

I am currently having breakfast at Heathrow, waiting for my connecting flight to Copenhagen, a little bit bored, but enjoyiong the ability to use the internet.

Hopefully I am putting my head down on a pillow at my sisters place tonight, unbelievable and really nice. I sooo look forward to meeting family again! Its been 8 months since I saw my siblings last time.

Monday, May 7, 2007

Barbros hälsobröd

2dl grahams mjöl

3dl rågsikt

2,5dl krossad havre

1,5dl vetekli

1,75dl vetegroddar

2dl fint rågmjöl

5dl vetemjöl

1 l lättfil

2dl sirap

2 tsk salt

5 tsk bikarbonat

Brödet bakas medhjälp av bikarbonat, det är enkelt: Blanda alla grejer, lägg i form, in i ugn.

Alla torra ingredienser blandas, tillsätt därefter fil och sirap, rör om och häll degen i 2 smorda formar. Grädda 75 min 200 grader.

Friday, May 4, 2007


"In order to succeed you must fail, so that you know what not to do the next time."

Anthony D'Angelo

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Shit happens

Sometimes life disappoints you... deal with it!