Sometimes in the middle of all else life is just simply good... You know, the feeling when you wake up and there are bubbles of joy that just slip through and take over your whole being! Its like being a living bottle of mineral water... haha... kinda anyway :)
There is no given explanation that can be blamed for the change of character, other than possibly I really feel like there is hope for the future again. One step closer to figuring out where I'm going and what I am going to do. Maybe even realizing that my dreams haven't stopped and they haven't been forced to surrender. It's like they've had a well needed break and now they're back in full charge, hoping for results once again.
Love to all of you from a cloudy place in Sweden
Jag är en kvinna född på sent 70 tal som genom denna bloggen delar små anekdoter ur min tillvaro.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Am sitting here at my parents house having just hung up with the doctor and had established that I need to go to Linköping tomorrow to have them look over the shunt.
Something is not right, and they apparently need to check it out. So once again, taking the trip up to find out what the problem is, maybe finding out that its broken or that they just need to readjust the settings and lower the pressure in my head.
This decease sucks and theres not much to do about it! Seams like my only option is to go along with it all and just accept what is happening.
But I would lie if I said I wasn't worried...
Something is not right, and they apparently need to check it out. So once again, taking the trip up to find out what the problem is, maybe finding out that its broken or that they just need to readjust the settings and lower the pressure in my head.
This decease sucks and theres not much to do about it! Seams like my only option is to go along with it all and just accept what is happening.
But I would lie if I said I wasn't worried...
Friday, June 6, 2008
Jag sitter här vid datorn och tårarna rinner, har väl börjat låta mig fundera på allt som hänt de senaste månaderna och jag blir så ledsen, arg, frustrerad, irriterad och uppgiven. Mitt liv styrs av någon annan känns det som, mitt enda val är att följa med och försöka göra det bästa av de förutsättningar jag får, men det är inget av det jag gör nu som ingår i min tanke om vad mina drömmar är. För ett år sedan levde jag mitt drömliv, nu... ja, som jag sa till anders häromdagen, hemlös, arbetslös och har ingen aning om någonting... kan inte ens bestämma mig vart jag vill bo.
Att titta på bilderna från Kap skär i mitt hjärta, det känns som mitt hem och jag saknar det så otroligt mycket. Jag saknar mina vänner, att få träffa dem när jag vill, att få leva när jag vill och röra mig hur jag vill! När jag låter mig tänka på hur stor saknaden är så orkar jag inte hålla ihop, då går jag undan och låter tårarna trilla, medans tankarna snurrar på och jag försöker förstå vad som händer med mitt liv.
Jag har inte pratat med Gud på ett bra tag, har sagt att jag inte orkar, vill inte - känner mig som en obstinat 3 åring, som vill lägga mig på marken o skrika, sparka och slå nävarna i golvet i förhoppning att det ska ge resultat. Nu vet jag ju att det inte funkar så jag bli kvar stående, men med en menlös tillvaro. Jag existerar, känns inte som om jag fyller någon större funktion. Livet suger och i brist på någon annan att skylla på så får Gud ta smällen. Han finns, jag vet att han älskar mig, men jag orkar inte med vad han lägger för mig att hantera, så jag har tystnad med honom ett tag nu.
Kanske inte det mest optimistiska inlägget, men det ärligaste just nu.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Today is a beautiful day, the sun is out, the sky is blue and I hav not been outdoors at all... shame on me. However I am going out to a friends tonight for a braai.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
It seems like all is getting better. . .
I had an extra moment with the doc when I started getting nervepain in the back of my head and became nothing more than a little lump on the bed, after a week of talking to doctors, I ended up back at the neurosurgical department where they had to establish that nothing was wrong with the shunt before accepting that it was nervepain. Then they started me on heavy drugs that are suppost to reset my central nerve system in 3 months... scary stuff! The first 2 weeks on the drugs where wierd... my body wouldn't listen to what I told it and I couldn't walk straight without assistance. But now it seems as if the body has decided to co-operate and there are no longer any noticable side effects of the drugs... jippi!!!
A second possitive thing is that I am starting to adjust to the new vision field that I have and am finally starting to feel safe in the areas I know and new areas where there are no people. But the best part of it is that I can still manage to run in the forrest!!! Have been out last night and also this morning... a great feeling!!!
On the mental side, I think I'm starting to understand that I have left cape and it is not just good feelings, but I guess its stuff I simply need to work through before feeling ok about it.
Till later.
Luv from me
I had an extra moment with the doc when I started getting nervepain in the back of my head and became nothing more than a little lump on the bed, after a week of talking to doctors, I ended up back at the neurosurgical department where they had to establish that nothing was wrong with the shunt before accepting that it was nervepain. Then they started me on heavy drugs that are suppost to reset my central nerve system in 3 months... scary stuff! The first 2 weeks on the drugs where wierd... my body wouldn't listen to what I told it and I couldn't walk straight without assistance. But now it seems as if the body has decided to co-operate and there are no longer any noticable side effects of the drugs... jippi!!!
A second possitive thing is that I am starting to adjust to the new vision field that I have and am finally starting to feel safe in the areas I know and new areas where there are no people. But the best part of it is that I can still manage to run in the forrest!!! Have been out last night and also this morning... a great feeling!!!
On the mental side, I think I'm starting to understand that I have left cape and it is not just good feelings, but I guess its stuff I simply need to work through before feeling ok about it.
Till later.
Luv from me
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