Jag är en kvinna född på sent 70 tal som genom denna bloggen delar små anekdoter ur min tillvaro.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Summing up 2009 and looking forward to 2010!
This year has been filled with love, happiness, disapointments, tears, drugs, pain, joy, doctors, eyes, fun, sad times, friends, accidents, crashes, departures, new flat, old friends, new babies, new friends, both good and bad experiences... to sum it up it has been another year and I am looking forward to 2010 with lots of hope and anticipation for a great year :)
Sunday, December 20, 2009
It's the most wonderful time of the year!
It's the time of year when it's ok to go a little crazy about the people you care about. So take some time this week to give a few extra hugs (or kisses) because... "It's the most wonderful time of the year..."
Monday, November 9, 2009
I called a friend and have crashed her place keeping the cat company during the day today. Turns out its a good thing to be able to go to the bathroom... since there are no bushes in the city :)
Haha... wonder how to turn these two days into the best they can be?
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
A wet dream for a theology student
At least my job for today is over, a library has been created for my father and now I am heading to a friends place to watch Greys Anatomy...
A day on the countryside
After a few hours in town running erends we headed home again to deal with our projects for the week! Even on the way back we saw deer... gosh they're all over the place this time of year.
Just had a nice morning in front of the fire and had breakfast, the wind is blowing outside, it's a classic autumn day...
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Organizational development makes me tic, I love finding new systems and solutions to problems that exist within an organization. The challenge lies in simplifying the daily work routines for staff as well as creating room for the organization to perform at a maximum.
With part of my upbringing abroad the ability to quickly adjust to new surroundings and circumstances has come naturally. Using this ability in combination with my social personality creates an extreme “people person” as my last boss chose to describe me. I like bonding with people, creating new contacts not only to develop myself, but also the organization that I work for.
I have made a point of working through my years as a student trying to bring something from each place I have been given the opportunity to learn from. The relatively short time spans that I have had at each employment since graduating is due to the difficulty of finding relevant jobs within the current Swedish market. I see that holding temporary positions early in my carrier has been an opportunity in disguise allowing me to gather experience from different positions.
My latest position started at Travelstart as an executive assistant to Stephan Ekbergh in Cape Town, South Africa and in spring 2008 I transferred to the Swedish office where I worked till end of April 2009.
For a full CV please email me and I will send it through to you.
Warm Regards
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
wow - it works :)
A 2.5 year old was shown that one can feel a persons heart and that one can listen. Of course it was amazing, and she needed to make sure we all had hearts she could feel...
After each and every one of us had pulled t-shirts up and let her feel and investigate, it came to the turn of her mother. The little girl put her hand on her mothers chest, then lent in and listened... After which she excitedly exclaimed "Wow - it works!"
Lets get amazed by something obvious today... cause there are lots of things that we need to say "wow - it works!" about.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Chicken soup
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Count your blessings
It seems far too easy to get caught up with the small negatives in life and focus on all the things that don't go our way! I decided to see the other side of the coin and instead count my blessings and see where that leaves me...
So I took the time tonight after an amazing weekend with good old friends to sit down and focus on the blessings in my life... and they are truly many!!! From the obvious things like I have food on the table, a roof over my head and heating indoors! To the fact that I am extremely blessed with friends that I love and trust, and not only in one place but all over the country and basically all over the world! I have an amazing family, parents, siblings, cousins and extended family whom I love dearly. I have got sooo much in my life it feels blasphemous to complain about anything!
Sure there are things I want to change in my life and there are things that need to change... But tonight I choose to focus on the blessings in my life and lay my head down to rest with a smile on my face :)
Don't forget to count your blessings... I promise they are more than you think ;)
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Sick or not..?
My head is heavy and
My temperature is slightly too hot...
I have now gurgled antiseptic stuff and am
aiming to wake up with a smile and a healthy
throught :)
Tomorrow I go north to Örebro in order to
celebrate a good mate on Saturday.
But the extra bonus is tomorrow I get to see
Siri :) The most adorable little angel :)
Time to sleep and get some rest, so that I can
fight off all the little bugs that are trying
to invade my body ;)
Thursday, October 8, 2009
morning is breaking...
Currently in Malmö, booking meetings and realizing that the point of finding work isn't just to find work. It has to do with finding something to do that will inspire and challenge me. Find somewhere where the people I work with can be inspired and challenged by what I deliver.
One thing is certain and that is that I am definitely not cut out to do nothing :)
Time to find out what today will hold for me!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Change… Good or Bad?
However a wise person once told me that we create our own futures. So I decided that hell-time was over and the time for action has arrived.
Reassessing my current point of living I realize that my reasons no longer validate staying. There seems to be work in the bigger cities and I need to give them a chance. Evaluating the different places that could be an option I find myself drawn to Malmö again. The ironi is obvious to some of you and I ask please do not badger me too much ;).
So what does this mean? Have I got a job? Am I moving? The truth is I don’t have a job, and I am still living in Jönköping, but I am definitely looking at work opportunities in Malmö and am prepared to move right away should that be required. Maybe I’ll end up finding work here and staying, I feel like none the wiser…
But one way or the other change is around the corner and I am trying to embrace it… Join me in finding out what the future holds...
And just to emphasise... since I grabbed hold of my own future again and have started to take action... hell time is definitely over :)
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Icecream = solution to many ponders...
Even on a boring day like today it's a good option ;)
I have a day in the couch pondering my life... Never good to do! I
find that there are many things I'm fed up with... So time to shape up
and make some changes ;)
A little more icecream and I can face some more challenges!
Skickat från min mobila enhet
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Swedish girls in the nude!
It started with an early walk round the lake for an hour, then some
boring errands. Lunch was spent with loved ones that I dearly miss
when they're in Cape. Late afternoon was devoted to finding clothes
at second hand shops for a sailor party on Saturday. Then had a movie
night with Maria, before Sara joined and eventually Anna. After
midnight we met up with Teresia for a midnight swim since the weather
is so hot! By the lake a decision was made to swim nude, so all
clothes off and into what felt like lukewarm water! Now I'm finally in
bed and hoping for a few hours sleep before tomorrows morning walk at
Who said I live a hectic life? ;)
Skickat från min mobila enhet
Sunday, June 28, 2009
I was an arse...
instead have hurt without intending to.
The worst part is that I don't know if my apology has been accepted or
if I am still in the doghouse? If you're reading this - I'm sorry!
Yesterday was great fun! David and I (and Sara, who couldn't come)
where invited with the swedish-british society to shoot clay pigeons
in Åtvidaberg :) It was entertaining to play with the guns and fun to
meet new people! So Andrew: thank you for giving us that gift B-)
The sun is out and soon heading home for another day - where I will do
my best not to be an arse!
Skickat från min mobila enhet
Monday, June 22, 2009
Air? Or what?
depressing results. Therefore I am now trying to come up with a
strategy on how to live on nothing... Ideas and recommendations are
warmly welcome! Air can only do so much...
Skickat från min mobila enhet
Friday, June 19, 2009
Tired and happy
intensive day is wonderfull! The one big negative side to being at
conferences is that there is so much to take in, it's going to take a
while to let it sink in. Topics today have been, transhumanism and
it's development, changing nations through reconciliation, being
chosen and moving forward plus as an end we were challenged to fast
and dare to be eagles ;) hehe... And thats just one day! My head needs
the sleep!
Skickat från min mobila enhet
Thursday, June 18, 2009
What a week!
getting the focus right! It's filling the resources! It's meeting God!
It's discipline! It's simply amazing to be here again!
Skickat från min mobila enhet
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Ups and downs
an employment... So reality hit and I am now unemployed! Naturally
being me, the head started spinning and solutions are darting round my
head resulting in some very creative options... Might even feel
slightly excited about some. However, in reality the week was a mish
mash of applying for jobs, watching startrek enterprise, horseback
riding and meeting up with friends. Saturday morning I went to
Gothenberg, met up with a friend and then continued to Örebro where
the weekend in its turn has consisted of laughter and tears with close
friends. Playing with kids and smiling at babies, silently wondering
if I'll ever have my own or if I am destined to be the aunty whom my
friends children can love when around :) I am blessed with amazing
people in my life and I try to cherish these moments when we just
simply share life! Let's not be afraid to let people beneath the
surface in order to show our true colours! I'm looking forward to next
week and more true colours... xxx
Skickat från min mobila enhet
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Daytime TV
spending day after day on the couch watching daytime tv hoping to
recover and be ready to hit reality again. I have issues that confuse
me and issues that make life easier. I have people that feel like work
and people that make it worth getting up and taking on each new day.
Hopefully life will soon be experienced vertically again ;) Blessings
Skickat från min mobila enhet
Monday, May 25, 2009
An amazing night
The night started of with welcome drinks and socializing then we got some amazing food and finally we just partied hard!
We rented a place in town (Jönköping) which was fantastic for private functions. It is called Lingon and I can really recommend that you use them if you are ever in the need of a cool place to have a function in Jönköping!
Lots of love for this week and don’t forget to grab all those opportunities flying by in the wind :)
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Cake, party and horses :)
I'm looking forward to seeing a whole lot of you on Saturday!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Learning and living
I love when it means learning new stuff!
Nothing feels as fulfilling as when one starts to feel the knowledge increase :D
Loving life is a good feeling, loving new opportunities is even better, loving friends is great, being loved is the best :D
Friday, May 15, 2009
Ok, so sometimes things don't go as we like and stuff happens. A few weeks ago I was at the doctors for a routine check up --- a long story in short terms is that it resulted in hospitalization and a new surgary.
I have tried to bounce back and meet reality as best I can :) Once again I find myself without hair and with less energy... BUT I am doing great all things considered.
Yesterday I turned 30 and nothing life altering happened... I am still me and I still don't feel grown up :) Possibly a good trate :D
I hope the above explains the quiet period on the blog, I will try to update better in the future.
Blessings :D
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
waiting for the shower
the alarm has gone off
someone is in the bathroom
I need to get ready, leaving in 30 min
would love to turn round and go back to sleep
not happening
the showers free now
time to get started
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
anyone worked with establishing pci dss policies?
I could do with some advice?
Monday, April 6, 2009
tired and should sleep
currently tired...
in the couch...
wanting to move to my bed...
Tomorrow its time to get on the train again...
Why? Any good answers out there?
Monday, March 30, 2009
Some things that have gone through my mind today!

Four times left
Season 3 episode 10
The heaters are on but it’s freezing indoors
One step closer the future
Structure is beginning to show in the chaos
My life is good
Need a friendly hug
U” and TOTO have been my companions through the day
It was a mistake to choose my spring jacket this morning
The train behaved, but am seriously beginning to get bored by train travel
Tried a new ice-cream
Generally loving my life, just had a hectic Monday
Friday, March 13, 2009
A wierd week with possibilities
Once the shock started settling I realized that where one door closes a window always opens. So here I am looking round the house for windows, have a few that might be interesting but will see what the following weeks bring to show and tell! Sorry for the cryptics but difficult to spill all the information in the open, just know this that there are exciting times ahead ;)
Will keep ya updated!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
The nameless friend
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Easy pleasures
A day spent with friends shopping... the shopping part I'm ok without, but spending time with friends always brings a smile to my day.
A moment to myself, relaxing, reading and contemplating life!
Then a night with the gang, food, good company and drinks!
Kinda sums up a perfect Saturday :)
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Nothing of essence
At the moment in the southern part of Sweden, working another day here before heading home tomorrow and then working from there the rest of the week.
Life in general is pretty good right now, am getting very tired from going back and forth so much, but there is a time for everything so we will see what happens in the future.
Till next time...
Thursday, February 12, 2009
A different work day
Saturday, February 7, 2009
living and learning
I had a good start to the weekend hanging with some friends last night, pizza at home, relaxation, girltalk and laughter... what a soothing way to start of with. Today I am running round doing tasks that need to be done, meeting people that need to be met and looking forward to tonight :)
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Mid week!
ready to go to the office for another day. This week has so far held
tough but right decisions. I wonder what today will hold :)
Skickat från min mobila enhet
Sunday, February 1, 2009
The weekend
Blessings ;)
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Total silence...
Its Saturday morning in Jönköping, I’ve opened my eyes, but still in bed, letting my thoughts wander off into space… A friend stayed the night and I can hear that shes awake on the couch, but we are still in morning silence :) its like the moments in church where no one wants to be the first to speak after the service… its silence… here right now its comfortable sharing this silence with a friend. Soon I predict I will get up, make us a cup of tea and then have some breakfast…
The rest of the weekend is wonderfully unplanned… nothing that must be done, nothing that demands my attention… Some people I would like to see and they are probably too many as usual, but I am loving the fact that nothing is planned for once.
I shall return… haha with information about what this weekend held ;)
Monday, January 19, 2009
An amazing woman and an amazing life!
Mma Elisabet Keletso… born sometime round 50 years ago in
My picture of her is painted through the eyes of a child, myself while growing up, and only recently have I slightly begun to understand who she truly was. (The picture at the top is from Christmas 2007 in their lounge.) While growing up in Selebi-Phikwe, Mma and Rra Keletso where close friends of my parents and the family. Consequently they where often there for us.
I have memories of playing with Debbie (one of their daughters) outside their house while Mma Keletso was cooking… or I remember stealing Tsego (another daughter) from kindergarden and bringing her home with me after school without informing Rra Keletso…
Latest memories are from last year when I was blessed to spend Easter and Christmas with them in Selebi-Phikwe. Easter I was with my parents and it was the first time in 15 years that I met Mma and Rra Keletso face to face, yet it was like coming home to family. Over Christmas when I was there alone with a friend from
This morning I got a skype-call from aunty Mavis in Selebi-Phikwe informing me that Mma Keletso passed away last night - my heart broke. Not only for loosing an amazing person in my life, but for her family and friends in
In reality all I can do is send my condolences and pray for them in
There is so much more that can be said about her, how she was the strength of the family, how she managed to always make ends meet, how she stood by her husband, how she was a great mother, how she spoke to me about living my life, how she corrected me sternly but with a smile, how she was a great friend, how she was an amazing woman of God, how she made people smile… but in the end all the words feel small and without essence.
I pray that she is home with our father in heaven and no longer has to go through pain and sorrow!
Bambi's monday morning
However got to the station on time, the first train behaved, the second got of to a good start and now... well... theres no power in the tracks so we sit here...
All around me I here people who have never spoken to each other all of a sudden become great friends uniting against their common enemy the train company ;) Amazing how people put their differences aside in order to have someone to share the experience with... something we should probably do more often and not just limit ourselves to only talking to strangers when we're in a crisis :) haha... sounds weird, but hopefully you got what I meant!
Blessings for this coming week! Try connecting with someone new, and if you need the help of circumstances, borrow a dog and go for a walk, or a kid in a pram, or get on a train that will give you trouble and I ensure you that before the walk or the ride is over you will have made a new connection!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Crash boom bang
Sometimes it hurts and hopefully the sometimes will soon become pastimes.
Cause it hurts
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
way past bedtime
Blessings for a tired tuesday
Sunday, January 11, 2009
New week = new opportunities
At least that's one way of seeing it :)
This week is just starting, I've had an amazing evening with relaxation and preparation for the coming week. So all I have to say right now is make sure you seize the day and don't let opportunities slip away...