Sunday, February 1, 2009

The weekend

There was no tea on Saturday morning, but a wonderful pancake breakfast with my friend. Then a walk in town, returning home with some mango-vinegar and a new shirt that was on sale and 2 videos. We also picked up a third friend on the route ;) Then slouching in the couch with too much candy and a film, realizing food was due, the third friend was swapped and we then headed to a musiccafé for the evening. Very nice ;) However when I was starting to think about if it might be time to return to the flat a girl had an idea that we should drive 70 km to a small place and go to a concert... we decided not to be wosses and went :) Returning home in the wee hours of the morning. Sleep, then dexter on tv, then more dexter, then over to a friend with the remaining movie, food, couch, film, coffee break, more film and now back in my flat relaxing and preparing for an early night and a new wonderful week :)

Blessings ;)

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