Thursday, February 12, 2009

A different work day

Today I woke up 5.30, worked 2 hours from home before going to the stables where I set up the computer in the tack room. At lunch me and a girl took a horse each and went for a short ride in the beautiful snowy forest just enjoying the amazing nature! It truly felt like being in the middle of narnia at one point ;) Then back into the tack room and finished working, now just got home and am thinking about what to eat before I go boxing tonight! A different Thursday :) Hope yours is good too!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

living and learning

Sometimes life brings along lessons worth taking... I've taken one this week, that hopefully will make me a wiser woman in the future... lets hope I passed with flying colours.

I had a good start to the weekend hanging with some friends last night, pizza at home, relaxation, girltalk and laughter... what a soothing way to start of with. Today I am running round doing tasks that need to be done, meeting people that need to be met and looking forward to tonight :)

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Mid week!

It's wed morning, mid week, kinda dark outside the window and i'm soon
ready to go to the office for another day. This week has so far held
tough but right decisions. I wonder what today will hold :)

Skickat från min mobila enhet

Sunday, February 1, 2009

The weekend

There was no tea on Saturday morning, but a wonderful pancake breakfast with my friend. Then a walk in town, returning home with some mango-vinegar and a new shirt that was on sale and 2 videos. We also picked up a third friend on the route ;) Then slouching in the couch with too much candy and a film, realizing food was due, the third friend was swapped and we then headed to a musiccafé for the evening. Very nice ;) However when I was starting to think about if it might be time to return to the flat a girl had an idea that we should drive 70 km to a small place and go to a concert... we decided not to be wosses and went :) Returning home in the wee hours of the morning. Sleep, then dexter on tv, then more dexter, then over to a friend with the remaining movie, food, couch, film, coffee break, more film and now back in my flat relaxing and preparing for an early night and a new wonderful week :)

Blessings ;)