Sunday, March 28, 2010


Imagine standing in a crowd, rumors are flying about that you are all waiting for someone special. Not being able to confirm if it is true or not you stand with your friends pushed together holding flags that are ready to be waved in celebration.

After a few hours of standing there your spirit starts to die down, your beginning to think it's all a coax and a waste of time. Just when you turn round to your mates and say lets go shoot some hoops instead you hear the rumble down the street... the cheers grow in volume as they get closer, people start waving their flags frantically and then you see him...

wow it was worth the wait!

Imagine if you where there in Jerusalem, almost 2000 years ago, standing in the crowd, holding your palm leaf instead of a flag and waiting to see the king of the jews. Not sure if he would show or not since all you had to go on were rumors... Imagine.

I wonder if they realized that they were taking part of something historical? Probably not! But we know that it was the beginning of the easter week as we know it!

There is loads more to say about the symbolism of that day, about the fact that Jesus came in on a donkey and that he is the king of the jews etc. But I felt like focusing on the other side, the little guy standing there because everyone else was... He was also a part of this huge event :)

Saturday, March 27, 2010


Tonight it is time for some me time... I'm also doing the bills and just to not be percieved as too grown up I am mixing it all up with some quality time together with Super Mario ;)

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Early morning and spring

It's early morning and I'm sitting in a lounge at world class gym in Stockholm watching people sweat... next time I'm thinking I should bring stuff to train as well! Till then I'll spend the time blogging ;)

Yesterday evening supplied a sensation that I haven't felt for a long time! It was on my flight in the evening. Dusk was hitting the landscape and I felt my body being pressed against the backrest as the plane increased speed. Then take of... seeing the ground shrink from normal to small to unidentifiable... and it hit me!!! There is no snow below me... YEAH!!!! tjoho!!!! Amazing!!!

The one hour flight to Stockholm was spent smiling at the fact that spring is here :) Then I landed and realized that spring is not yet here! My shirt and vest were far too thin to keep me warm, and lets not even evaluate the stockings or the fact that I forgot my hat and my gloves. :(

So even though today has the potential for greatness, my heart has an extra spring in its step knowing that tonight (late tonight) I get to go home to a place where there no longer is any snow on the ground and a vest is enough to wear!

Have a great day and if your in Sweden remember your hat and gloves since they tend to keep you slightly warmer that what I am at the moment ;)


Monday, March 22, 2010

Week nr 12 of 2010

I have hopes for this week to
  • be great
  • be amazing
  • contain happiness
  • contain some kisses
  • be successful
  • be productive
Of course I realize that none of the above will happen without my participation, but I feel that the start is a good place to have high hopes ;)

Thursday, March 18, 2010

A fresh start

This week has been done running and even though I am tired I am loving it!

Monday - Stockholm
Tuesday - new colleagues in Malmö
Wednesday - Gothenburg
Thursday - morning meetings in Malmö and then of to Stockholm
Friday - Stockholm then back to Malmö
Weekend - Spending it with the parents, the darling and some more family!

Tonight it's thursday night... I feel light a freight train has hit me and at the same time loving each bruise it creates... haha... weird to explain, but rest assured that I'm doing good :)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Happy People

sorry for writing this post in swedish

Hej o hopp... nu är det snart dax! Återträff för HP! Galet och roligt ska det bli att träffa alla gamla bekanta ansikten till helgen! Ni som är i kumla/åbytorp/örebro trakten tycker jag ska komma till betania i åbytorp på lördag kl 19.00 då en gospelkonsert från gamla tider i ny tappning erbjuds :) (
Nedanför låtlistan finns texten jag hittade på tomsings hemsida i anslutning till skivan som gavs ut 1999... underbart :)

Vi ses till helgen :D

Instrument of praise 1999

Do you know him?
Instrument of praise
We sing praises
My life is in your hands
Bereden väg för Herran
Borta är synd
Jesus jag älskar dig
Lift up your hands
You are

Örebro har en stolt tradition av mycket duktiga gospelgrupper såsom Joybells och Svart på Vitt. Nu är det dags för ännu en – Happy People eller HP – som de kallar sig själva.
Happy People är gospelkören som startade som en barnkör, men som nu definitivt vuxit ur barnskorna. Modern gospel med fullt ös och en energi som bara ungdomar förmår uppbringa! Under senare år har kören vuxit till ett 50-tal medlemmar, och de attraherar nu ungdomar från hela Närke. Deras scenshow är något utöver det vanliga med dansare som gör att budskapet kommer fram ännu tydligare. Det går inte att ta miste på att kören verkligen vill något med sin musik.

Skivan är mycket varierande med många musikaliska influenser. De flesta sångerna är på engelska och har äkta svart gospel som förebild. Några sånger är på svenska, och här är det främst läsarsånger och psalmer som fått en ny musikalisk dräkt - minst sagt! Lyssna på Bereden väg för Herran i rapversion och gospelstuk så förstår ni vad vi menar. Biskop Franzén, som för övrigt skrev psalmen under sin tid här i Kumla, ler nog överseende från sin himmel.

Arrangemangen som körledaren Jonas Ottosson svarar för är överlag mycket roliga, finurliga och härligt respektlösa. Kompet består av trummor, bas, gitarr, hammondorgel, percussion och piano. Dessutom är 4 blåsare inhyrda för att ge en extra krydda åt skivan. Det här är en kör som med all säkerhet kommer att låta höra talas om sig i framtiden.

"Men det här är en kör som lyckas få sin glädje att åka med genom sladdar och mixerbord och in i skivan, och deras debut, Instrument of praise, är en entusiastisk urladdning"
Anna Braw, Kyrkans tidning

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The man in the mirror

"I'm starting with the man in the mirror
I'm asking him to change his ways
And no message could have been any clearer
If you wanna make the world a better place
Take a look at yourself and then make a change"
- Michael Jacksson

Words that if you take the time to read really makes sense. Not only in the sense that they were written aiming to change the world but with regards to everything, small and big stuff! The next step is taking thought to action, I can often find myself talking about changes that I would like to make but a lot of the times the change stops before action. As if talking about it nurtures the need to feel that I am doing something... Crap!

My latest task is realizing that I need to change some things regarding how I live everyday life... No big things, but stuff like not eating chocolate and candy quite as often, to get a move on with daily exercise and to eat more greens... basically to adopt a more healthy lifestyle! How come I feel a little better after just saying that these are things I need to get done and then I still sit down in front of the TV when night comes and have a bar of candy or chocolate!? Bad... so today my resolution for today is:

I promise to only deal with a day at a time
I promise to have more action than talk in my life
I promise to take care of myself and focus on my health

So that is it, no big actions hoping to create a major change in the world today, just a simple reminder to myself to stop talking about what needs to be done and simply DO IT!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Some Updates

It was time for an update of my blog and website. There is still much to be done but this is a start and I hope you like it!?

Today is Tuesday, the week has started good, slightly hectic but that just seems to bring a smile to my face :)

A short story from my weekend!
On the trainstation waiting for the train to leave... 5 minutes before departure the sign changes and the train is cancelled! Every single passenger started running round like crazy trying to figure out was the option was. Eventually it surfaced that there were busses waiting for us, so we scattered on to them.

Everyone packed in and the buss started to roll, when the driver turns round and starts asking directions! Hahaha... unfortunatly I was on the first seat, but having no clue where we were supposed to drive I managed to involve a minimum of half the bus in finding the right way. Hihi... Once we had made our first stop and got out of the second town he could find his own way, so we who were passengers could rest and relax ;)