Jag är en kvinna född på sent 70 tal som genom denna bloggen delar små anekdoter ur min tillvaro.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Testing My phone
Tuesday morning and although I am loving life I wonder how on earth
this week will come together.
this week will come together.
Monday, August 30, 2010
It was good :)
Actually it was a great night!!! Loads of fun, loads of laughter, loads of friends and it turned into a great party! Pictures will come shortly :)
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Expectations are good :)
After a hectic day at work, I've spent the evening helping the guys prepare for their party tomorrow :)
A lot of vegetables have been chopped and tables and chairs moved, things picked up and at the moment we think everything is in order for the big bash!
Friends from around the country are getting ready to come down here for a visit and all in all expectations for tomorrow are high! The alarm goes off at 7am to get the final stuff ready! So now it's time to get some quality sleep :)
A lot of vegetables have been chopped and tables and chairs moved, things picked up and at the moment we think everything is in order for the big bash!
Friends from around the country are getting ready to come down here for a visit and all in all expectations for tomorrow are high! The alarm goes off at 7am to get the final stuff ready! So now it's time to get some quality sleep :)
Friday, August 27, 2010
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Malmöfestivalen :)
After an intense day I went for supper with my darling at the Malmö festival which was has been ongoing for almost a week without my notice or attendance. Thought it be best to at least see what it was about :) Had I not been extremely tired and harbouring a massive headache I would have loved the sea of people, the noise and the movements. Now I enjoyed it but also loved coming home to a quite flat.
Got up before 5, bought breakfast at the train station in Malmö, took the train to Copenhagen airport, checked in, spent time walking around looking at people, boarded and flew next to an older gentleman on his way to Stockholm with his wife for a holiday. Nervous people but they made me smile. O, almost forgot my favourite quote from the morning was when I overheard an american on the phone: "I'm in Copenhagen, Denmark (silence)... NO, it's outside of the US!" - Hahahaha
The rest of the day... well it was intense and I continue to hold a grudge against the Swedish train company. Arrived back at the flat at 8pm.
The rest of the day... well it was intense and I continue to hold a grudge against the Swedish train company. Arrived back at the flat at 8pm.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Sunday, August 22, 2010
It's a special feeling to have family! All to often I find myself taking them for granted, and yet they are worth so much more. This weekend I have been with my parents and their siblings, all offering years of memories and all being a part in moulding me into the person I am today! I truly love them all and hope they know it :D
Friday, August 20, 2010
Small wonders in an everyday evening
After an intense day I was invited to friends for dinner, which I gratefully accepted and was treated to a wonderful meal :) When daylight started to disapear I decided it was time to go home since I had forgotten the lights for my bike (read Håkans bike). On the way home I got lost among building sights and a poor lady who thought I knew where I was heading had followed me! Haha... just goes to show: Do not follow someone without a clue! Anyways, we started chatting and ended up heading the same way so got to share a nice 20 min ride together and I wished her blessings before our ways parted! Coming home I had a smile on my face... isn't it wonderful to be surprised by people!
Once I'd sat down in the couch I surfed the internet a little bit then saw on facebook that a friend needed some shopping help, so I jumped on my bike, went to the store then met him for a short hello and a hug before heading back home again.
On the road home I met another friend which I haven't seen in over a year, so had a short catch up before saying our goodbyes and parting ways.
Finally home there were some people having a braaii which said hello, needless to say that they were the neighbours which we've been having issues with before. After some chittchatt and talking about life they turned out to be really nice people, so now we are planning a weekend braaii with the whole hose present!
All of the above in a simple friday evening. Now it is time to pack for the rest o the weekend, since we are going to Västervik tomorrow to see my parents and their siblings during the day. Our Saturday night will be spent at a traditional Swedish crayfish party with friends before having some more family-time on Sunday.
What can I say? I have a big smile and tonight has truly been a night of unexpected blessings!
Lunch and focus
Silence surrounds me... almost creapy to hear all my own thoughts. Just took a lunchbreak and allowed myself to relax the brain for a few minutes.
A smile spreads across my face thinking about this coming weekend which will be filled with friends and family in Västervik! Hopes for the weekend is loads of crayfish, song and laughter :)
Now time to refocus again... with a hop and a skip I'll deal with the afternoons issues before starting this amazing weekend.
A smile spreads across my face thinking about this coming weekend which will be filled with friends and family in Västervik! Hopes for the weekend is loads of crayfish, song and laughter :)
Now time to refocus again... with a hop and a skip I'll deal with the afternoons issues before starting this amazing weekend.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Plans for today include getting out of bed, having a good productive day at work, then meet Anna at the gym for a session before spending tonight planning and fixing for the weekend :)
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Can't think of decent thing to say
So I'll just write something else :)
I've had a good day in Stockholm with meetings, now I'm at the airport waiting to fly home south! As always loads of people here and they are just as fun to look at today as before the summer.
I've had a good day in Stockholm with meetings, now I'm at the airport waiting to fly home south! As always loads of people here and they are just as fun to look at today as before the summer.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Ibland känner jag mig oförskämt välsignad med min släkt. Detta är min farfar 92 år! Han är en underbar förebild att få ha i livet. Tänk att han skriver dagbok som en gång i månaden mailas ut till oss barn o barnbarn som vill läsa och ta del av hur han har det i vardagen! Däremellan trillar det ner lite mail nu och då från honom :) Får alltid samma underbara chockade bild av vänner när man säger att jag fått mail av farfar :D
En fika på stan
För någon vecka sedan träffades en del av gamla gänget på stan för en fika! Så trevligt att se gamla kollegor... som till större delen ynglat av sig :)
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Dagens bästa leende...
...och skratt fick jag av denna! Önskar jag hade råd att köpa till hela byn och dess vänner!
Vångsunda I-love T-shirt
Vångsunda I-love T-shirt
En kväll i Bara
Åkte ut efter jobb för att hålla Guiness (en katt) sällskap. Kom fram o blev mött av mysigt kel. Kvällen har hittills fördrivits på uteplatsen medans jag lyssnar till barn som leker... det sista av sommarlovet ska klämmas ut :) Om jag ska tro på ljuden så lyckas de :D Stor trevnad!
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Semestertider är slut
Ojsan, inser att det är länge sedan jag skrev sist, men sommaren har varit fullt av annat än att sitta vid datorn :) Ska nu försöka komma igång med bloggandet igen!
Juni och juli har varit fyllda av underbara händelser och underbart folk :) Jag har jobbat min beskärda del och haft ett par veckor ledigt, en mängd grillkvällar som fyllts med skratt och god mat. Midsommar i skåne och cykelturer till några mysiga badplatser, promenad i bokskogen och mysiga kvällar med vänner. En del saker kanske kommer som små anekdoter här i framtiden eller så fylls platsen med annat... beror nog på humör och tillfälle :)
Men I am back och ser fram emot en händelsefull framtid!
Obs... jag tycker det är roligt att läsa andras bloggar etc så har just du en plats du skriver på som är allmän tillgängligt får du gärna lämna den till mig i en kommentar så ska jag försöka följa dina inlägg :)
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