Thursday, August 23, 2007

Thursday and dead

So far this week I have been good, keeping to the diet, following instructions, swimming every morning before work, getting up at 5 am. Unbelievable!

But today I am tired :)

Tonight I'm doing cellgroup, I am talking on the symbolism found in the tabernacle and the instructions God gave Moses. Hoping it will be interesting. We shall see what reactions I get.

Thursday, August 2, 2007


Ok, so here I am, supposedly getting better, yet with a ridiculous pain in my right side... and the best part is where the doctors say: "wonder why?" Isn't that what I am paying them to sort out? Arg...

Where is the line between sanity and insanity when the ability to deal with pain and boredom just fades away? If I at least wasn't in pain, I could work, but now I'm sore and need time to recover. Grrr.

Calling the doctor again, will see what he says today.