Monday, September 8, 2008


Today I have had a new day,
a day with exciting moments,
loads of potential and new energy!
Sounds amazing doesn't it!!!

The other day I received an email telling me that the only thing confining me was my own ideas of who I am and my own limitations of what I can achieve! So I decided to not confine myself anymore. I am sitting here writing a business plan, organizing myself, my future and thinking about all the exciting stuff that could be round the corner if I only let it be :)

Realizing it is true that the only limitations we have are the ones we set ourselves... I set out to open my horizon, to extend my bounderies and decide that I am limitless (for a while) in order to find what I want to do. The same email also told me that we create the reality we live in ourselves, so again I have spent some time sitting down and thinking about what reality I want and am now buzy creating it!

Loving my life!!!

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